This column was written by Hans in his native language Dutch and then converted to English using Google translator. If some words or statements seem oddball it is because of the Dutch to English translation.
PART 3 Ardcore on the cover of the 653 & photoshoot for magazine Bigtwin. I already told you about the Dutch XS 650 club and our gift magazine, the 653. This full-color magazine is packed with every edition XS 650 articles relative Beat Fens, technology, projects and other things. The 653 is four times per year to over 600 members on the doormat. The new number is over a week. With some pride I can announce that I am editor of the 653. Here I have my own large column with the name XS in the media. Everything in the engine blades to read about our beloved twin is here under consideration. Furthermore, I regularly write articles on their own construction projects. Although I own an original 1975 B XS650 possession, my heart is still in its own building designs. In recent years I have built several projects, the latter is the Back 2 BasiXS bobber you also have been found. Another project, again a hard tail is in the pipeline. More on this later.
Back to the 653, the new edition will be an article about Ardcore Choppers of my hand to see. The “Get Bent” even on the cover to see. Also, you know Wizard Sleeze in this artkel are. Yes Nathan, I will send 653 to your post (mail box) … Below you see the successful cover of the new number. Some years ago I have been a lot written about Ardcore Choppers. I had just encountered on their cool website and was quite impressed by the report and have done. This article and the new cover you see below.
The last time is still balls weather here in Holland, winter keeps on. The temperature fluctuates around freezing and raining and snowing regularly. We are slowly but really to the spring. Last Saturday was dry and happy but I still drove my bobber. Have a friend who owns a driving course. Always nice to here to invade, and some parts bijkletsen scoring. But man, it was stone cold on the engine. Last week there was still a photoshoot with two XSsen you know this cool site. These Easy Dick and Jan radical XS of Ab. These two bikes will be wanted in the custom sheet Bigtwin too. Floris Velthuis, a friend of mine and great lover XS, the photoshoot. At the beginning it was pretty clear weather even a sun, but just below the relevant air and it was quite gray. Rain and snow followed, and unfortunately had to be stopped photoshoot. A new appointment will therefore have to be sorry. Floris is a great photographer and I am convinced that it will be a great article.