OR “Get Bent” & DIE!
Okay 650 fiends…. Here is a monthly features Bike for your XS addiction!
This bike is called “Get Bent” and was built by Ardcore Choppers to show just how far you can take an xs650 Chopp. This is one of those crazy bikes that you can look at all day without getting bored. I hope I have a chance someday to see it in person. This crazy Concept 650 is by no means a trailer queen show bike. It has and gets ridden often. The Bike is a serious piece of hardware. Mad amounts of engineering and figuring went into this bikes built. If you can appreciate the amount of engineering and time spent creating this monster XS650 you will realize how sweet of a bike it really is.
Ted M:
There’s so much we could talk about with this bike but I think the best places to start is at the beginning. How long did it take to build this monster?
This being my personal bike I only had time to build on it in between customer builds. I’d guess probably 1 1/2 years.

It looks as though the backbone is a solid piece of large diameter pipe?
The gas is stored in the backbone. The main frame is 4″ tubing and it holds fuel all the way to the bottom. We run a small fuel pump to get fuel back up to the carbs with a bypass system so it doesn’t push too much fuel.
How much gas doesn’t hold?
2.1 gallons..

“Get Bent” obviously shows off the talent that you guys have at Ardcore Choppers but what would you say was one of the most challenging components in building the bike?
Coming up with a front end design. We built the frame first with no idea of what to use as a front end. We knew a standard front would not do it justice. I spent several days scratching my head trying to come up with something trick. Long story short my boy rode up on his BMX bicycle and thats the style we went with. Then it was just a matter of figuring out geometry for the inverted springer/spring rates and the hidden hardware on the stem.
How big is that Phatty tire?
It sports RC component rims with the rear being a 300mm. Braking is provided by a brake on the jack shaft.
I have to ask. The Bike looks radical and super fun to ride but how well does it really handle? How does the front suspension perform?
I know some guys out there claim how well those big tire bikes ride but I can say after building and riding numerous 250-300 tire bikes they are a hand full. They just don’t like to turn. Of course that’s the sacrifice we sometimes make to get the look. Is it practical? HELL NO! But that’s not what it was built for. It takes some getting used to but it is a absolute friggin ball to ride! As for the front end performance, I’d put it up against any hydraulic unit out there.
To run that super huge back tire it looks as though you have a offset gear set up. Is that something that you’ll be selling?
Yes. It uses our off the shelf jackshaft setup that we already market. Going to the 300, I did build a outboard bearing support but we don’t normally run those on 250 or smaller tires. We will be offering 180 kits for the XS that do not space the side cover etc.
Have you tested its limits? I mean have you cracked it wide open yet? About how fast have you gotten her going?
With no speedo its tough to tell. The motor is built to the hilt by Thomas Racing Service. It is bored out to 900. It cackles like a top fuel bike and we often hear guys say the have never heard a XS sound that nasty. All I can say is when you whack the throttle you best be holdin on!
The hot model is a friend of Nate’s and her name is Jo.
Interview by Ted M with JON ARD from Ardcore Choppers. You can drop JON a line at sales@ardcorechoppers.com
Thanks JON, Nate & Ardcore crew.
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