Shane – This started life with me as a 73 basket for 300 bucks off craigslist. The po did the rake and stretch. Everything is powdercoated except the cases… Dupli-Color hi-temp there. I filed and sanded and polished the shit out of the top end and rebuilt the internals. The top end is 73. The lower is 78 or 79ish. Stainless steel spokes, powdercoated rims. Avon Venom on the ass end and Im going Speedmaster in front. 4 over front end. Harley peanut tank that looked like somebody practiced shooting golf balls into it. Gave it some Bondo love and brought it back to presentable condition.
The frame I stripped and had powdercoated(Pops runs a powdercoating factory-free is awesome!!). Its got a Pamco Ultimate ignition and Hughs PMA thats gonna be running with no battery and a Sparx cap as soon I get the wiring done here in a second.
Forwards came from Lowbrow as did the Bates-style headlight and the the 33 taillight. Got a rear hugger fender from Panic Choppers and the seat is a Redtop Donavon solo thats gonna be riding on dual Chopper Shox. Hope you like it so far!
Ill post a vid on here when I get it fired over and running!!