
Rodney – This was my first bike I ever built, started off with a 78 frame that was just layin around with a bunch of ratty old mx bikes behind a shop that I worked at.I had told the owner of the shop that I had wanted to build a hard tail bike, he had told me that I was crazy, but gave me the old frame and away I went.Found another xs on Craigslistthat was all in peices, but most of the main parts were there.The frame is a 78 frame and the motor is a 1980 I beleive.

The motor is all stock , but working on doin some performance upgrades, like the 750 big bore kit from Mikesxs and go on from there. I painted the frame instead of powder coating it,the reason for that was that I wanted the grinded metal look under the Kandy Cobalt blue paint. The tank and fender were grinded down and painted the same with a slight metal flake.I made custom mounts to be able to use the forward controls I got from a friend off a 95 Sporty.

I masked off the wheels outside rim and painted the spokes and hubs to match. I used the Tcbros. imitation oil tank and battery box, exhaust kit,and rear brake pivot. It’s wired up to use the stock electronic ignition.

This is the very first bike I have ever built on my own, with a little help with the weldind from a friend of mine I work with. Let me know what you think, yhanx and have a nice day from Phoenix , Az. Oh yeah I have alot of pics from the build too.

Rodney Aehlert