After years of building Harley’s and dealing with all the factories crap and the yuppie weekend Harley riders I decided i needed a change and wanted to build something unique. After restoring a 1980 xs650 for a friend i  fell in love with the yamaha’s engine and set out to build something that resembled me and my tastes. I found this bike as a roller on craigslist and got it home and started building. This is the end result a bike I’m very proud of.


The tank is from a 1983 sportster and the rear fender is from a 1973 Triumoh 650 Tiger. Electronics consist of a Harley Softtail headlight,a Peterbuilt cab marker light as a taillight and 1973 sportster directionals as marklights for night time riding.



Too many close calls in the past riding at night and especially in the center line so a little extra light helps. The hand controls are from a triumph catalog and the forward controls are from  a 2001 sportster. Paint was done by me