-03 2015

Ryan – Hey all, This is my first xs650 build.  I love the bratsyle builds, but I also love Frisco style choppers. So, I thought i’d combine the two, and make something cool. Well, what ‘I’ think is cool at least. Ive had the bike for a couple of years now, but seriously got into building it over the winter just gone.

-01 2015 -02 2015

-04 2015 -07 2015

Here are some of the highlights of the build;
* Hughs Handbuilt PMA
* Boyer Bransden Electronic ignition
* Visual Impact brat seat kit
* Leather solo seat
* Harley Sportster 48 tank
* Harley Fatbob rear fender
* LED headlight, tailight, and indicators
* Dual disc front end
* Completely new wiring harness, front to back
* 12″ apes from Monster Craftsmen
* Custom from motor mount
* 10″ rear shocks
* Custom metalflake/candy paintwork with lacework
* Dual Pod filters and carbs jetted to match
* Exhaust headers wrapped
* Brand new tyres front and back
* Super slimline battery (kick only)

-05 2015 -06 2015

Bike rips, hope you like it as much as I do.
