So the story starts with me and my buddy went and picked up a xs650 has we both loved it! It was a hard tail bike already!

So then a couple weeks later my buddy sends me a link to two xs650s and bins of parts so we go look at. We get there and there is 4 4ft bins filled with parts, 2 frames,2motors, 4 sets of wheels(spoked and mag wheels) One bike was partially put together and had all the new electric ignitions on the motor already, so I knew one motor ran for sure.

So I bought it filled the truck up 2 bins high and tons of other parts, brought it home and started ripping the one bike all back apart to hard tail the frame, once I had all the new parts and rebuild the old ones I had my buddy powder coat every thing that I could on the bike, from the bars to wheels.

Then started reassembling it to find out I was missing some stuff, of course! But I got everything else that I needed finished everything and fired it up and it has been a great bike ever since.

Submitted by Nick