
Write about your XS650.: Well, I was gonna hold out on posting my ride until she was done, but there has been quite a few peeps hating on bratstyle bikes, so maybe I can shut them down a little bit..hahah!!! I am a big fan of Ardcore’s “Flying W” and Double M’s recent brat, so I wanted to incorporate a bit of both into my bike.

She started out as a bone stock 81 XS650 special that I picked up running for $300.00. After a couple nights of stripping the bike and throwing stuff away I had it down to the bare frame. I shaved everything and I cut the back half of the bike off and welded up a new subframe and shock mounts. I went with Honda XR50 shocks out back. They are 10″ eye to eye and very functional and cheap too!

I lowered the front forks 2 1/2″ (thanks mulligan machine!) and I pulled another inch of fork through the triple trees to achive the stance I was after. I mounted the repro sporty tank with skateboard kingpins and bushings and fabbed up the mounts for the solo seat.


I fabbed a set of Pro Taper oversize triple clamps from a YZ450F to mount to the stock yamaha XS triple trees, and mounted the Pro Taper Evo bars. The rear fender is just on there for looks, I will be running a 5.5″ wide rear fender which should be here any day. I currently have the Stock Bore motor torn down for painting and I am replacing all the seals and giving her some new pistons and rings for reliability.
I am hoping to have her done by the end of May. Its a weekend warrior project as I work all over the country which really limits the time I can put into it. I have built it using simple tools and a Hobart 135 welder. Money wise, I’m into it for about $600.00 so far and plan on spending no more than $1100.00 total on the bike. This is a true garage build and I have done everything myself. The only thing I’ll have to send it out for will be sandblasting..
The next post you’ll see will be the finished product. Love it or hate it, I dont care. I love haters:) Special thanks for the wealth of information and Lowbrow Customs for the killer service!

Keep up the good work and the rubber down!!

Idaho Chad