

Write about your XS650.: So here goes…this is my entry to the outstanding world you guys have created….its a 79 xs650…ive already hardtailed thanks to the amazing guys at tcbros….4 under springer front…21×2.15 wheel…18×5.5 rear….sprotor on the way…..ed roth red retina flake for the frame with a pewter, flat black, and flake red as well paint scheme….


lots of litte tricks i wanna try…running a single carb system…some kinda wicked exhaust and a devils tail all the way over the back wheel….thanks to all of you guys for motivation and great work you done to make me passionate about these bikes….also my girlfriend will also be building side by side on her project as well…details and pics to come…oh and shes doing everything so more to come….

el diablo