
Hey guy’s I recently started working on my chopper that’s been in the making for the past five years.  However it’s a rigid softail frame with harley forks that I got from a friend that had a chopper shop. The gas tank is a peanut sporty tank and the wheels are from  I originally wanted to save money for a harley motor but was searching on youtube and found movies from other guys who had chopped 650xs bikes and made them look quite bonzer.  


So I decided to crap the idea of having a chopper that looked like all the other choppers around and started looking for a motor and parts for a 650xs.  I found the motor on ebay for 200 bucks and all the fab work was done in my mom’s/step dad’s garage. I cut away all the motor mounts that were originally welded to the frame so that the new motor could fit and as soon as the motor arrived it was all day and night to get it to this point.


The seat is from anvil customs whick will sit on two inch springs that I’ll get next week.  I dont plan on covering the seat with anything but maybe I dont know yet.  Even though i did spend some money with the frame and all the chrome I didn’t want to spend anymore money so doing all the fab work myself was the only way to save the most amount of money possible.


I plan on starting the wiring tomorrow, wraping the headers with white header tape, mounting the headlight, and a couple other things.  All of the pic’s that I’ve looked at on this website really do the 650xs chopper justice.  Let me know what you think and if you have any question just ask.  I usually check the website every other day.


Chad McKenzie