2016 best bike of the yearHi xs650chopper.com readers!


As you know, we picked the top 10 Bikes of 2016 on our site. And we let YOU vote for your favorite bike.

Well, as crazy as it sounds, we had to count the votes several times.


There was a TIE!!


Yes, the 2016 BIKE(s) OF THE YEAR were:




CONGRATS to Dewey Fragie, owner of Twisted Samurai and Sam Henderson, owner of Sicfidy.


And thanks to all of you who voted!

twisted-samurai-xs650-2 twisted-samurai-xs650 twisted-samurai-xs650-3

sicsfidy sicsfidy-rear-wheel-xs650-9 sicsfidy-sedaz-cassidy-carter-xs650-8 sicsfidy-front-view-cassidy-carter-xs650-7 sicsfidy-battery-box-6 sicsfidy-sam-henderson-5 sicsfidy-wheel-4 sicsfidy-cassidy-carter-3 sicsfidy-2