
Germany XS650 “NO NAME”

Udo Sacher from Germany sent in these pictures of his beautiful xs650 chopper named “NO NAME”. It is a xs650 with a Custom Triumph Frame, 45″ Flatty Springer and a Sporty custom Gas Tank . I asked Udo if he built the bike himself and how long it took.

“Hi Ted, My Friend is a guy from Boston when i talk English with him he is smile . The Bike is a little work over a half year, and is a work from me alone and my son (7 years old).”

Xs 650 bobber

The engine is stock and is a complete rebuild. I asked Udo if he had problems getting it titled with it being a triumph frame with a xs650 motor? He said in Germany it can be a problem getting a custom built bike titled. He has it registered as a 1955 triumph with German registration and German TÜV. So you may notice that the Yamaha logo on the engine cover is covered up.
Its because of the title issue and not because he’s trying to cover-up the Yamaha logo.dsc01880
The cool graphics work on the tank was done by Udo’s good Friend Michel at (Painted Steel). The bike has a Good mix of Parts. Stare at the pictures long enough and you’ll see all the cool detail. Udo has a shop in Germany that goes by the name of U.S.Custom Bikes. It’s a one-man show.
This sick XS650 will be in an up-and-coming issue of a German motorcycle magazine custombike. So,
xs650 chopper has the official exclusive on Udo Sacher’s XS650 chopp.. Enjoy…

Thanks Udo..