
xs650 Weld-On Hardtail

Win a brand-new Yamaha xs650 Weld-On Hardtail Frame by David Bird and Lowbrow.

Submit a interview/article on your favorite XS650 chopper and enter it to win a brand-new lowbrow Hardtail. Do a e-mail interview with someone who’s built a XS that you dig. Get at least five high-quality pictures and two paragraphs worth of info on the bike and submit it. There are a lot of really sweet XS that haven’t been featured on this site. Maybe you know of a XS650 somewhere in the outer-web that deserves a little attention. Shoot them an e-mail and asked if they be down to do a short e-mail interview and send you some pic.
Here are some good interview examples:‘77-xs650750cc’s

Each interview submitted puts up for a chance to win a lowbrow XS650 Hardtail.
The winner will be voted on by you guys.

Anyone in the world can enter. (Tyler from lowbrow can cover shipping in US and Canada and elsewhere winner covers shipping only, hardtail is free) It is winner’s choice of straight or looped style hardtail, length of stretch (“, 2″, 4″ or 6″) and amount of drop (0″, 1″, 2″, 3″, 4”)! Hardtails are custom made to order and take about 4 weeks to ship.

Again, to qualify the article most:

  • Be at least 200 words (that’s only 1-2 paragraph)
  • Have at least 5 high quality descriptive pictures.
  • Be a Yamaha XS650.
  • Plagiarism is not cool. Have Fun! Ends on 3/06/2011

If you are having troubles finding a bike to get info on leave a comment below and I’ll e-mail you a lead on a sick XS650 lurking out in the World Wide Web.

How to put together a good article. 1. Find a sick bike that you dig. 2. Get high-quality pictures with lots of detail. 3. Ask detailed questions about the bike.

You can submit your article using the submission form here.

Thanks to Tyler for hooking up the XS650 Hard tail and sponsoring
Info on How-to install the lowbrow XS650 Hardtail here.

Ends on 3/06/2011