

Write about your XS650.: Well, after many years of bartering many diff bikes I managed to come up with someone elses POS. but its was/is a viable POS~, long story short, here it is in the beginning mock up stages,,, 80 xs special, 4deg rake stock swingarm but has been hard tailed, I have no clue what I am doing  since I am a bolt-on and ride type of fella, But I wanted something different than the weld on and ride type bikes, it was a runner when I got it but was huge messed up and jury rigged!,so far I have made the carbon fiber rear fender (f-22 raptor part) and am attempting to tackle my first tank, this pic reflects the tank I am useing Early dirtbike tank, work I have done: forward controls, fender,  seating,, work to do, full stripping and paint, finish machining  all the brass doo-dads  will be using, but so far I have actually put money in my pocket getting this, the overall cost will be less than 100.00. dont harsh me too hard cause I see so many kick ass scoots here,


Although I have never owned a hardtail; anything, I have been riding for over 30 years, I have never actually built one or even repaired someones else’s mistakes. Washington weather demands a winter project!
First pic is my first attempt at fitting the tank
second is anouther view …………..
~shrugs~ any advice or tips, likes,disslikes?