Rick – This project started as a 1978 xs 650 found @ a thrift store on the side of the road for $400.00. She was immediately striped and cut in half as a Bobber Idea was our intentions from the get go. My bro and I started this project build on a budget as most builds due, then soon turned into a business out of no where. Since the start of this build we have completed several xs 650 in between this one.

First came a sketch of a complete mock up of build to see that the lines went together to give her the look we were going for . Clean simple and with SouL was the idea from the get go. We went with a “David Bird Looped” thanks to the guys over at Lowbrow customs. We then contacted a good friend/ amazing welder David “Maya” who gave us a hand with the mock up of hardtail, tank and fenders. This guy is a master with welds and meticulous in all his work .

Gas Tank was the center of our build , we had a thing for this CB160 tank which has become hard to come by in decent shape . It’s a three piece making it hard to find a complete set  on a budget with out hurting the bank, needless to say it did hurt  . The knee pads alone were the most expensive and extremely hard to come by .Not to mention all the fab and welding that is needed to have tank seat correctly on a bobber. Once the mock up and lines were meet to our standards , rims and tires were on the top of my list . Had the guy over at Buchannan’s ,build , lace & true a 19 inch with a front 19 inch Rim. As for  rubber we shoed her up with Firestone champions 3.50 front and rear to give it the Old school Bicycle look and feel.

Went with Mid controls to give it maximum comfort when stopping /standing  , basically got the prototypes from John over @ Monster craftsman”. Thanks and sorry for so many follow up. As for seat , bobber / ridged are not the softest rides around . So to cushion my ass I we went with the one and only “Chopper Shox” from out in Las Vegas .Very help and professionals at what they craft. The Shox are Built specifically for your weight  to give you the right amount of recoil from ground compression when hitting a bump in the road.

All Wiring was done Internal though the frame by Luis “ the Chinkie”. Electrical box isn’t needed what’s so ever; its basically a dry storage. Head light are the eyes to the motorcycle, this to us is a major part and didn’t want to lose focus and go the easy way out.  So  an early 1900’s Lucas headlight found in early army addition English motorcycles was our solution. Last but not least “ Hughs hand built” PAMCO charging system was installed . By far the best investment one can do to an XS 650.

We wanted this bobber to feel comfortable, seat low and feel like your racing on the salt flats, But then again have that classic vintage soul that is seen at first glance. I can go on and on with the things that were done to complete this project. I wanted to give a big thanks to all you that help get this master piece together. Huge thanks to 650 central” Michael” his a master at what he does! My bro for getting me into this new LOVE/Hobbie and being part of this creation. Luis’ Chinkie” for helping us get her on the road and all you for the inspiration found on this site.

From start to finish if I told you all it took a couple months I would be lying to you . If I told you it cost us a couple hundred dollars to build this project , I couldn’t and wouldn’t look you in the eyes .This project  Bobber was a trip to build with a lot of learning curves along the way . It came out exactly the way anticipated . Not to mention a company was created out of a passion with “Old Soul Young Blood”

Old Soul Young Blood, Rick Rosal, Juan Rosal, Luis Nagaki

Instagram: @oldsoulyoungblood