
I built this bike about 6 years ago. It has stock shaved forks w/ Benjis fork shrouds, Ducati front disc. dual streetfighter projector headlight, Used Bunny ear bars from unknown maker bought off Ebay.

They provide a Very comfortable riding position while looking pretty radical. Tank of unknown British origin, rib added by me, as well as the sight glass. Seat by me, frame is stock with a Bird 4″ stretched loop hardtail.

Stock rear drum polished, new rims w/ SS spokes, HHB motor, done by the master hisself, punched to 750,and includes all of Hugh’s special tricks.

Lectron flatslide carbs, Harley popsicle kicker pedal welded to the stock arm with all electrics in a SS spaghetti can I found on Scamazon for$10, cocktail shaker muffs, Hand shift, foot and hand clutch, Alsa chameleon paint by me.

There’s more but I don’t wish to bore anyone. Any questions, just ask! Possibly for sale.

Submitted by John Murrill