Hi FooXS,
Here some Dutch talk again in this column edition # 5.
Last week I’ve showed you the nice ‘original framed’ XS bobber of Marco. That bike shows that it’s not a must to hardtail your XS 650 for a good-looking headturner. In this column edition something completely different, at least when we have it about the frame.
Here’s another great Dutch ride with a fresh view on the XS theme! A radical ride built by ‘Boneless’ Jeroen.
This project had my attention already somewhere a year ago when he start this build and post the progress of this chop on a Dutch motorcycle board. On several boards there where long discussions about this XS, in particually about the frame and it’s strengh. But hey, this bike rocks! Take a good look at the frame, basically two frames! The sharp end and the tail are actually connected by the engine.
A couple of months ago I saw this bike ‘live’ at the Big Twin Motor Show in Rosmalen. Here it stands besides two other Xsses which you’ve already seen on this awesome site. Last week there’s was a photoshoot with Jeroen and his radical ride, in one of the next months there will be a feature in Holland’s biggest custom-magazine. This pics, not of the shoot, of Jeroen’s XS 650 speaks for themselves I think, have a look. Xsee ya here around neXSt time!
Greetz Hans Prost