

Bare Bone Basic Bobber

Year 1972


Real Headturner.

” Hello XS fans! Here is my latest XS 650 project. A bare bone basic bobber. Overhere in Holland we have a huge number of XS enthousiasts, check our site; This bobber is based on a Zodiac hardtailframe, it has a lot of brass and homemade parts and is as you see super clean. Battery, regulator, wiring…??? It’s big fun to ride and a real headturner.


Now i’ve got ideas to mount a big single SU carb which will look damn good. Hope you dig my XS bobber.
Keep the XSpirit alive !!!
XSe you, Hans Prost, the Netherlands”



Hell Ya.. I’m so Stoked I started this blog..

The brass detail is radical! Super clean job.. The brass screen in the front hub and the vintage headlight really give the bike its own character.. High-class man… It’s really cool to see how the xs650 has such a huge worldwide appeal..

Opmaak 1

From the US to Australia to Japan to the Netherlands, mad love for the xs650. I really do think that tough durability, classic look and abundance of cheap parts makes the XS650 the perfect platform to build a KILLER CHOPPER.

Thanks Hans

If you would, tell your Netherlands Bros to send in some of their xs650s.

  • HAY you reading this, leave a comment below.
  • Hans obviously put in the time to build a sick bike and I took a minute to write this up, so be cool and leave a comment..
  • Thanks Ted..