-1 2015

Brian – One weekend while searching on craigslist i found a diamond in the rough….. an 83 Heritage special hiding under a front deck of a home north of Pittsburgh. I brushed the snow off of it and made the man an offer. It didnt run due to a bad charging system (typical xs650 problems). Once i got it home I put a fresh battery in, played with it a bit, and got it running just to make sure all was good with the motor….then apart it came.

-2 2015 -3 2015 -4 2015

Being a welder i could not bring myself to buy a hardtail or any other parts for that matter so I made myself a frame jig, bought some tubing, and went to town. The rear fender is part of a spare tire ring off of a 35 ford, the tank is a Cole Foster, and its wearing Firestone tires. The girder was handmade by me along with the hardtail, battery box, exhaust, handlebars, intakes, and all the other misc brackets etc.

-5 2015 -6 2015

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I installed a PMA charging system and Pamco ignition. The engine only had 8000 miles on it and checked out great so i couldnt bring myself to tear it down. I sealed it up and soda blasted the entire thing and then VHT satin black painted it. The carbs were completely disassembled, bead blasted, and rejetted/sealed.

-11 2015 -12 2015

The wheels were also bead blasted then powdercoated, I put in new bearings and brakes all around, and laced them up with stainless spokes. The only stock bolts that are still on this is the engine internals and the axles (which i machined to suit). Paint is base/clear liquid silver. Finishing this bike in the winter is probably the dumbest thing i could’ve done…….

xs650 2015

Here is my before, during, and after pics of my 83. Saved from living under a guys front deck for years, covered in snow. Handmade hardtail, girder forks, pipes, handlebars, battery box, etc…. PMA charging system and Pamco ignition. Firestone tires, cole foster tank, 1935 ford spare tire ring rear fender.

-13 2015 -16 2015