

Write about your XS650.: Hi guys. I love the site. Here is my latest creation. Just in time for Myrtle Beach Bike Week. It was a low budget backyard build. The bike started out as a stock 1980 xs650 with 8 thousand miles. I added the drag bars and lowered the rear using Honda rebel shocks.  I used original signals but shortened them and re-located the rear signals.


The rear fender is the shortened original. I used a triumph tail light and original headlamp. The battery box and tank are from a harley. Engine is still stock except for pod filters and re-jetted carbs. Pipes are original, but I shortened them to get rid of the baffles.


The tiny speedo is from Mikes XS. Future plans are to paint the tank, frame, and polish the cases, but for now it is time to ride it. I’ll make it pretty next winter.

Sam Gary