
I had a seriously good time building this bike

Metalho: Started this build in October of 08. Had just an engine to begin with and hired the skills of Joe Wise Guys Choppers to hardtail a frame for me. Ass end has a 4″ stretch, 2″ stretch to the back bone, 36 deg rake, 21″ HD front wheel, stock 18″ xs rear. No engine modifications other than re-jetting custom pipes and new carb parts for the old BS 34’s. Did all work myself except for frame mods. You can see the entire build on BBO thread under my user name of metalho.


Motor was bought from someone who had wrecked the bike, the doner came off a bike that was cafed and it runs to well not to have been modified. Prob has been re-jetted, I ran stock head pipes cut at 35″ and necked up to 2″. This is my first real build and Im happy with the way the bikes turning out, no way in hell I could have built this without the online help of the guys on The Chopper Underground, thanks guys!!! Now Im hooked.




Ted: How does it handle with the springer front?

The springer hadles great, turns fantastic and stays on the road.

Ted: I hear you were the winner at TCU 2009 BBO. That’s pretty cool.

The TCU BBO was all on line on The Chopper Underground site. About 35 people started bikes, but I believe there was only about a half dozen that finished on time.

Ted: So, do you have plan to do another XS650 already?

Yes, another XS in the works but cant reviel what the plans are, TOP SECRET! LOL.

I had a seriously good time building this bike, and the friends Ive made in the process has been great.

Thanks for lookin man!
Cory. AKA Metalho’s