New Imagejjju (Medium)

A mechanic friend ended up with a couple of xs’s and before I knew it one came home with me along with several boxes of parts a and some motors, all of which turned out to be junk for the most part so he being the builder type offered me his all together and running 76 model engine, so I was off to the races.

New Imagejju (Medium)

xsddd (Medium)


TC Bros tail, plain jane rollers seat,250 nighthawk headlight,x- endurance bike led tail/ brake light,VTR 250 clip-on/bars,CR 85 throttle ,fenders startd off as one piece from a early 70’s endure rear of unknown origin. it’s stainless so i guess from a Kawi…. brakes- front is a 65mm 4 pot Brembo with a homemade hanger bracket, with KX65 steel hose rear caliper – 929 Honda with CR 125 front hose and a Venture Rovale proportional valve to link the brakes.

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I cut the stock hanger bracket down on both and had to do some shaving for clearance. so far i’ve done all the fab work and welding myself but i have to get a tig guy to weld the two rear brake hangers together.stock motor cept the Dyna coils and the next step is to incorporate a late model gsxr charging system. it is total loss at the moment. i see no reason to go to the trouble of wiring in the original system only to take it out again.

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I started out with a Kawi F7 tank and it’s off now. i have to relocate the petcock so the tank will sit down on the frame better- or i may run the CRF 150R tank for a while. it is kinda wicked looking what with all the angles going every whichaway.
i’ll wrap the pipes as soon as the material arrives…

It’s basically done. i’ll do little things here and there til i break something or go backwards…
