I have always loved anything with wheels. Cars,bikes,motorcycles. Earlier this year I remember having a conversation at the kitchen table with my brother in-law Jimbo about Bratstyle bikes, he is more partial to rigid style bikes, (I attached a photo of his bike as well Black rigid) I on the other hand love the look of softails, when done right.
Anyways within a month of that conversation he picked up his bike and a few weeks later I got mine from some guy off of CL in St.Pete. I was told the bike ran like a top (BULLSHIT) Let me say that this has been one pain in the ass thing after another.
Weekend after weekend wasted trying to start it up, re-wire it, replacing rotors, batteries and expierencing the joy of re-jetting an 81….headache after headache. It is hot as HELL in Florida and I have no A/C in my garage.
I even have had the wife in the garage looking over the wiring diagram with me, after 2 days of not being able to get it to start, it dawned on me or should I say I was told to check if it was getting fuel.. duh

It has been AWESOME, I love it, it is so worth it after you get on your bike that you have built and ride out, I hope everyone enjoy’s the pics. I am looking forward to breaking it all down, painting it and starting it all over again. Comments are welcome.
Ted thanks for the site, I visit everyday just to see what is new.