
Yes, this is the same bike I posted months ago.  It is for my girl. It sits on an ardcore frame, and a bunch of harley after market parts. The wheels are harley wheels off a road king with dunlop 150s, front and rear. I’m working on the bars rite now… they have a internal throttle and twist clutch with flush directional buttons. And the risers are welded to the bars. I used a BMW airhead front master cylinder (under the tank) to help clean it up. The struts are hand made with countersunk allen head screws spun by yours truly.


I cut the oil bag up and installed a hinge door behind the battery: this hides the breaker panel, self canceling turn signal module, branson boyer ign, killswitch, and headlite switch. This way you don’t see anything. I soldered a pin and sleeve wiring harness to it wich plugs in under the tank. The box under the oiltank is a saddlebag to put her purse, and all the pointless shit women carry around in.

And at last is the seat… Its a little pricey…but damn does it feel good. I totally recommend getting one. Anyways, it sits on the Biltwell seat hinge. Its going off to paint and powder next week, and should be done by may, to show off at the smoke out in june. please hit me a post. thanks…Ben