-1 2014

Ian Pare – Kult Klassics – This bike started out as a parts bike that had come with another complete XS a while back.   Everything on this bike was made in house here at Kult Klassics in British Columbia.   I always liked the old bmx loop style frames, and after looking at a couple I bent up a hardtail following the original lines of the stock frame.  The tank was a love hate relationship. I shaped it and dished it from scratch, but when I pressure tested it, my valve stuck open and I blew the thing inside out. Spent the next three days gently massaging in back to shape.


-2 2014

Its running a HD softail caliper for the rear disk, on the HD rear wheel. Hughes Hand Built PMA, and Pamco ignition. ( Great combo, no other way to do it). All the wiring and fuses are located in the leather pouch behind the plate bracket, which is fed by internal wiring. The internal throttle, bars, grips, forward controls, jockey shift and pegs where all in house jobs. The point of this ride was extreme minimalism.

-3 2014 -4 2014

The only electronic thing that can be seen on this bike is the Sparx capacitor. The leather work and paint was also all done in house. What first was going to be a quick chop job, turned into a full custom by the time it was over. With so mant XS’s running around, a builder really has to focus on what makes a bike not only perform better, but what makes it stand out to those who can really see a custom. Enjoy. Check us out on FB . Kult Klassics. Thanks