
One of those fateful phone calls. ‘So and so has a bike or two you should buy, lets go look and I’ll help you load ’em’ Stored in 1974 with 9800 miles after a fender bender, is from what I can tell, is a real period built 1971 XS650 chopper.
Some of it is laughable until you remember that there probably weren’t catalogs of shiny parts, pages of new parts made to look old, and huge collections of images on the internet to copy ideas from. I also imagine that when this was new, only a real rebel would have ridden it, that is when it becomes much cooler.
The bike chain around the solid bar stock sissy bar. A sissy bar that looks like a middle school kids C- metal shop project, the layers of dirt, the left gas cap probably a stash spot because it is for looks only, and the crowbar kick stand are all details that make it special. But how special to someone else?

The tough part will be when it finally makes it to my work stand.

Functional restoration – new forks and make it stop and go, and ride it like it was meant to be? Period restoration – repaint, clean, and make perfect again while using the crowbar kick stand and amateur sissybar? Or do I stop, chop, sell, and run away from this as fast as possible.

Only time will tell.
