Scott AKA Greatscott has been making some awesome exhaust setups for the 650 crowd for a few years. I’ve been looking at different exhaust setups and and his work keeps coming up.

“This is a 2into1 xs 650 header that exit’s into a 12″ long 2″ dia tube inside a long rolled megaphone, it sounds fast sitting there! rev it up and yikes! Your choice of slash cut or strait cut end. 20hrs to make this pipe, comes with heat guards welded on and a mounting block for rear suport that you weld on to fit your custom or stock bike. The Dyno showed a increase in H.P. and tourqe where you need it, around 4,000rpm.”


He also is building some sick xs650 motorcycles.


Scott built a sidecar rig last summer and rode it EVERYDAY all winter long! Lots of fun :o)

