
Denis – This bike is as pure as the driven snow. It’s factory fresh and still looks like the day it was made. Rarely do you see such a concours example of an unchopped xs650. To look at this is like going back in a time machine and placing an order at the Yamaha dealer. If only you could see it in person!

If I were a better photographer, you could see more of the factory perfection I am trying to describe. Then again, maybe it’s my cheap camera?

Very few people realize that toward the end of the xs650 production run, you could order your bike with an “accessory package” that included a 21″ front spool wheel, Wassel gas tank, semi shaved forks, clip on lane splitter bars, 2 – n – 1 exhaust, TC Bros hardtail, Pamco ignition, and Xscharge charging system.

Who even knew these parts were out back then? BONE STOCK!

Denis Jenkins
