
The Snot Rocket

The Snot Rocket

Bought the bike in April 09…summer project through August…my buddy
Eric at did the fabwork….hardtail, z bar dragbars,
electric work etc….guy is killer….great job…he wins all kinds of
awards for his bikes…
my buddy Bill at Baird Customs shot the green for
me…then I went back in at striped the tank and fender and added the
old racing number 74 on the electrical box….the motor is all orginal
as far as I know…guy I bought it from said it had about 10,000 on
it…runs like a beast….bike was in the great condition when I bought
it…best I had seen….



we sanded all the chrome off to give it a cool dull finish….eric fabricated the
rear fender and I went with a mustang tank I bought from a Rockys Great Outdoors…
Bike is a bit of a rough rider….but hell man it’s a bar hopper…. not a bike I think I could
make much of a road trip on…beats ya up pretty good….gets a lot of


kinda cool, we mounted a set of brass knuckles on the
risers….surprises this bike is pretty quick…has 18″rear and19″ frontwheel…
was told that it was a drag bike style xs…just what I heard….
tried to make it look like an old California Triumph looking bobber….


Very happy with it….turned out great…. bike was
shipped down to Detroit for a Horse Magazine photo shoot

and is in this years canendar too. Added a before shot too…ugly root beer mother went
I got it…I call it the SnotRocket…Get a lot of crap fro the guys who
are just Harley guys….but the people who really know bikes appreciate
whats gone into this bike.



Fabricated by Eric at
my website is