
Write about your XS650.: I found myself down at my favorite auto parts store and was offered the chance to pick through a box of spray paint before it was put out on the clearance table. I found some awsome ‘flame red’ that has been discontenued. At .95 a can I had to give it a shot. Thankfully I had help from my boyfriend, extra hands made this alot easier.


He helped me with the bondo too, I seem to do well with this part too! After hours of sanding and primeing we were ready to give it a go. The first layer looked pink, NO!!!!!!! After the freak out we shot the next layer and it started comming out red WHEW!! Once we got the clear going I could see the red getting brighter and brighter. Once it was done I could see the true color come out,this is actually the red I had in mind! This is bitch red! I hope this pic turns out OK, I’m still working on this hi-tec imparment I have.
still swaying to the siren song,