Hi folks , we came up with this projekt by building a framejig ,cause there is really nothing in Germoney that you can buy , and we actually like building our crap by ourself anyways.
The front of the frame remains original and the rearsection is just sick brainwork. Lots of fun and Lemonbeer later it looks like what you see so far. The bike will run on 23 inchers frt and rear , the frontend are original XS legs with a HD Sportster Wide Glide tripletree , no rake.
A bicyleseat and springs will make it comfy ( for those who care ).Handlebars are by V Team with internal throttle. In the works are the footpegs and brake setup. Soon more pics.
Update: Here are the promised pics on the frame jig , unfortunately Idont have any good ones.
Dare to be different.
Wild Air Hoerby