
Al – This was my first frame, I bought it off of Jon pretty well done except for the motor and front end. When I got it (sorry Jon) it was anything else than what I had pictured. Not anyone’s fault but my own. So I took the oil bag and modified it , the tank I put in a nice box it came with and have not used it yet. the rear fender well that is on a chop I have in the shop now. I ended up building the rear fender stay the battery box for the oil bag.

The rest was pretty much a bold on and tweak job, Scott, from Gordon Scott engineering Made my pipes and my handlebars and that guy is fricken Talented and a good guy to deal with. the rest the xs 650 crowd can see is pretty well stock the tank and fenders and oil bag I painted myself in the back yard on a clothes line so for you, guys that think you don’t have the talent just give er and it will be good and cheap.

I have since build at least 9 bikes but this one always got pushed to the back because it was just not looking right.
