
So i picked up my 1980 xs650 from my college buddy a few weeks ago for 200 bucks. I’ve never ridden…this outta be intresting. I am big into the VW car scene and am already hooked in the xs scene. first thing i took on was shaving the emblem off of the tank and giving it a matte black paint job as well as the side covers. turned out ok for my first time tring it so the addiction grows.


I needed a few parts to get it inspected so i ordered what i could afford and am waiting on more funds for the front pads and a new battery. heres where i am to date. i know what im looking to do but any input and examlpes aould be helpful. im doing a full tear down this winter so im planning and saving now.



Things i want to do include- springer fork,suicide/jocky shift, new bars (haven’t decided style yet),duel headlights, different seat( i want to come up with a removiable passanger seat that will go with the chopper/brat styles)….there is a lot more but the on thing i cant decide yet is hard tail or suspension??? anyway thanks for reading and I’ll keep updating as it goes.