
Here’s some pictures of my 1977 XS Chopper. I used a TC Bros Hardtail, Hugh’s Handbuilt PMA kit, Pamco ignition, Mike’s XS carbs, Pandemonium exhaust as well as a frisco style tank, hand controls and a lot of other misc parts from MPLS Cycle Supply. The image of this bike has been in my head for a long time so it was a lot of fun to finally put it together.


The seat was really the starting point for me, I built the bike around how I wanted it to look from the seat out. I built the pan and had a local guy foam and wrap it for me and I couldn’t be happier with how it turned out. My buddy Mike Stodolka was given the tins from MPLS Cycle Supply and told to do whatever he wants with the paint within my slim budget.


He nailed it. I shaved the front forks since I’m not running a front brake or fender. The bars are from a friend that passed away a few years ago, he ran them on an old Super Glide chopper and after narrowing them 4 inches they fit just right.


The sissy bar is just about 5 ft tall, nice and simple otherwise. I ran the stock H style rims and besides pulling the starter, updating the ignition, carbs and running a battery-less charging system the motor is pretty stock. All in all it’s blast to ride and I’m super stoked on how it turned out.