I picked the bike up from a garage sale for $200 in really rough shape about 8 months ago. It had been stored outside for untold years but it was all there. From there I decided this would great chance to make the hardtail that I was dreaming of. From there I started the frame fab work 100% done in my garage.

The rear fender is handmade steel and the tank is a heavily modified sportster tank . I tore the engine down to find it in excellent shape so I just freshened it up with parts from mikes xs and did a few case mods as well as the hand cut faux diamond cutting on the jugs and head. The exhaust is all stainless hand fabricated and metal finished.

All the paint, fab, mechanical, cnc milling and electrical was done right in my garage shop. The only thing that I did not do was mount and balance the tires. As I need to figure out how long do motorcycle tires last?. Total build cost is under $1200 and maybe about 250 hours.

I haven’t had much chance to ride it other than a few icy rips through the neighborhood but this not being my first xs I was pleasantly surprised when I had to hold on( was much quicker than I expected )

The bicycle shock on the seat is awesome so far , it feels smoother than my swing arm bikes but still has the hardtail feel on the road. I have the build on my blog rasmoto.blogspot.com listed as eltigre because of the tiger stripes it came with.

I’m not a huge photo collector but there is enough there to get the picture.
Thanks again Ry
Everything done 100% in my garage shop.